Hi! My name is Melissa J Scott...
and I help business owners with big hearts who genuinely care about their clients and their industry.. to build a strong personal brand so you have a positive voice in your industry that creates real change... as well as create the income, the freedom and the life of your dreams.
I call myself a Connection and Confidence Coach because the work I do is unlike anybody else in the marketing and branding space.
Connection relates to the personal branding and marketing skills-based training we teach, including creating content and building an online profile.
And Confidence relates to developing strong self-belief, knocking off imposter-syndrome, and creating a deeper connection to your vision and your message so it feels authentic to you as you build your personal brand and become known as an industry change-maker!
Having a great personal brand means stepping into being your version of a highly magnetic, 'Rockstar of Your Industry'! Somebody that people know, like and trust and ultimately want to buy from because they believe in you. Somebody who is happy to take a leading role in your industry, and lead from your heart.
AND have the confidence and self belief to do it.
How does personal branding and 'showing up online' for your business make you feel?!
I know from 25 years+ of working with Business Owners and Managers, most of you feel uncertain, vulnerable, and super-uncomfortable in putting yourself 'out there'... And most of you will do ANYTHING you can to avoid it!!
Even though it's been proven over and over again that personal branding is one of the most successful ways to organically grow your business and your revenue, why do so many people hold themselves back?
We've spent two decades working on the solution with our clients and are seeing some amazing results when our clients let go of their fears and embrace the power of showing up personally for their business.
So what is stopping Business Owners, Managers and Entrepreneurs, Healers and Course Creators from marketing themselves?
It's simple. From birth, we are programmed to care WAY TOO MUCH about what other people think of us.
And that fear of what people will say about us and not fitting in, creates all kinds of self-sabotaging actions and roadblocks that stops most of us from achieving the success we desire and truly deserve.
Why do we self-sabotage our success?
Crazy as it sounds, we want to feel safe and be accepted by our community, and that means not outgrowing our 'pack', or standing out too much that it makes other people feel uncomfortable about our growth.

This need to 'fit in' is embedded in us when we are impressionable children, and over time become our firmly held beliefs - usually at an unconscious level so we're not even aware of it. And, these beliefs - stop us from doing the things we KNOW are good for our business and we go into avoidance-mode instead.
From our vast experience, we know that most business owners will have some kind of fear around:
- being judged by your peers.
- of looking like a wanker (which is Aussie slang for a looking like a stupid fool) if you get too big for your boots! An example of this is if you make a video or go live online and call yourself an expert, it can potentially trigger your peers or people close to you to call you out and just the thought of this makes you feel insecure!
- of not being good enough and being challenged on your expertise. (This is a favourite Aussie past time, it even has a name - 'tall poppy syndrome'! - where people feel the need to bring somebody back down to their base level rather than let them shine.)
- of not fitting in or being liked, just like being cast out from the tribe in primitive times when it really would have been a life threatening situation, it still feels just as frightening to our primitive brains in modern times. We do anything to avoid being rejected because the 'tribe' might feel negative about you changing too much.
I get it, I really do. As a young girl growing up on a wheat and sheep farm in rural Australia, I have felt ALL of these fears because of my upbringing. Farming communities thrive on everybody sticking together, not standing out, and it took me a LONG time to truly not care so much about what people think of me. (This photo of me above posing as a rockstar is surely proof of that!! - What a fun shoot that was to just relax in front of the camera and be free, but it took me until the age of 49 to feel that relaxed!)
I have worked hard to embody the new belief that people's opinions of me are none of my business... and most of the time I actually believe it!
So I do understand, if you haven't done a lot of work on yourself, all of these negative feelings around personal branding do feel legitimate except... they are robbing you from achieving your personal dreams, your business and your financial goals!
The good news is, there is a way to change this fear-based thinking that is holding you back.
It's easy to teach you (and your Assistant) branding, marketing and promotional skills. And we can easily create a sensational Marketing Strategy and Action Plan for you as well.
But then what?
Getting you to execute that plan, and work through your self-limiting beliefs so you can implement them effectively is the missing piece of the marketing puzzle that most coaches just don't go deep with.
I've spent tens of thousands of dollars over the years on private business coaching, and it really was a waste. I might have learned the knowledge, but I couldn't execute because I needed to work on myself first.
The 'head trash' that holds you back is buried deep in your subconscious, and it affects every aspect of your life. BUT, we can honestly help you change that and it doesn't have to be hard. I've done it for myself countless times and I've helped many clients change their limiting beliefs around their personal brand and entire identity, and get great results for their business.
It is powerful stuff to work on the self-limiting beliefs that no longer work for you, and this work can greatly change your life if you allow it. BUT, you do need to actively work on it, and a lot of people aren't prepared to do that. And they're the ones not getting the results in life that they say they want.
But if you are ready... the results for your business and personal growth are transformational!
Who is Melissa J. Scott?
First up, yes... there is a 'J' in my name! And if you've known me since I've been in business some 25 years, you'll also know I've had a few different surnames! (What can I say... life!) So anyway, I incorporated the 'J' into my name so I could stand out on google!
Now that's out of the way, if you would like to know more about the human behind the brand, just click below to read more about my story!!
Pretty much NOTHING is off limits with me. We all have a story and I'm happy to share mine if it helps somebody be more accepting of theirs!
I am a 50+ woman who has been divorced, widowed, raised my kids pretty much single-handedly, ran my business spanning decades while I navigated life and have just recently taken up body building and singing in a rock covers band. I believe anything is possible, and you can have it all. It just might look a little different to what you first envisaged!
Most of all, I believe that everyone can become confident and can change. I believe in YOU! And changing the way that you view and see yourself! Because if I can do it... so can you!
MEET MELISSAWhat can you expect from working with us?
We help business owners like you connect to your true purpose, find your unique voice and develop authentic personal branding confidence so you blow up your sales and revenue... (in a good way!)
When you have a personal brand that is a true reflection of who you are, it builds unbeatable trust and creates a true connection with your audience. This allows you to build the business of your dreams, that nobody can take away because it is built on YOUR brand. And nobody can copy that.
And you have total freedom in your life to live it as you wish because your fears no longer control you.

Nobody average ever accomplished anything extraordinary. So get past what people might say, and do your life and your brand your way.
Love who you are and go for it!
YOU are worth it.
Melissa J. Scott
Connection & Confidence Coach, and Life-Changing Transformation x

Is a personal brand really that powerful?
Yes! Imagine if you were confident enough to show up online regularly and create meaningful content and connections with people that actually helped them!
I know you care deeply about your clients, so imagine being able to reach many more and make a real difference to their lives. A personal brand creates the connection to build the community to achieve the impact that you have always dreamed of... and you get to be rewarded for it!
How can we work together?

Introducing our Online Membership and Group Coaching,
and our 1 to 1 Marketing Coaching Sessions
It's really important to me that everybody, no matter what your budget or stage of business, can get access to high quality marketing advice, no matter what your financial status is.
Personal branding and having the confidence to show up regularly to your audience is crucial for your business' success, and we have different programs to suit everybody that wants to create amazing content and market like a Rockstar of your industry!

Weekly group zoom educational sessions, Q&A's, member spotlights. Providing marketing and personal development coaching and accountability.
Sales Reps, Corporates and Business Owners developing a personal brand on a budget. Excellent training for Marketing Assistants who are supporting busy business owners.

Lifetime access to Rockstar Personal Branding Academy, canva and excel planning templates.
Weekly group zoom educational sessions with Content Creator Club + 8 weeks of group Q&A's with Melissa, providing marketing and personal development coaching and accountability.
Business owners, Online Course Creators, Corporates and Entrepreneurs developing a personal brand and want all the resources. Excellent training for Marketing Assistants who are supporting busy business owners.

Work one-to-one with Melissa and receive a highly strategic, customised Marketing Strategy and Action Plan, unique to your business.
Includes free access to the weekly Rockstar Content Creator Club for motivation and accountability, and ongoing training of your Marketing Assistant.
Business Owners, Online Course Creators, Corporates and Entrepreneurs ready to take the leap and want to work on their personal brand and confidence issues one-to-one for the very best results.
Want to Learn 23 Ways to
Get More Customers in 2023?
As a Business Owner, it's our job to bring in more leads... so here is access to 23 live and engaging short videos teaching foolproof ways to stand out in your market place and get more ORGANIC, QUALITY LEADS...
This is our promise to you when we work together...
- We provide the expert connection marketing coaching around the skills and content creation knowledge you need to help get your message out there and noticed.
- We help you create an authentic personal brand that you connect with so it feels good when you are actively growing your audience.
- We create highly effective Marketing Strategies and Action Plans that you and your Marketing Assistant can work through systematically.
- We work with you on your head trash... (you know what I'm talking about!) It's the niggling little voice in your head that paralyses you when you get overwhelmed, and you're too busy and worried about 'what everybody is thinking' of you.
- We help you stay on track so you can actually create more revenue and profit from your marketing and personal branding activities.
Want to get in touch with us?
We are really passionate about what we do and who we can help. and we love to be around other really passionate business owners.
My guess is you are serious about taking your business to the next level too, so if you want to get in touch, use the form below and I'll come back to you asap.
And if you're not ready to work together just yet, but keen to stay in touch, that's all good. By filling in the form above you are also agreeing to receive our weekly newsletter and we can add you to our friends list! Your privacy matters to us. We will never abuse the privilege to stay in touch.